resources for project participants

we hope to make an online platform for learning resources here.

and an offline platform through 2020-2021’s Yountan Yargyas MeshNet project.

it’s a big undertaking, as there are few libraries, maker-spaces or resource rooms around Ladakh.

Stay tuned. And please visit our Volunteering page if you’re a coder and want to get involved in resources for all across Ladakh UT>

in the meantime...

here are a few education and health websites that will change how you interact with others, build your teaching skills and some really fund hacks and crafts you can use anytime, with any learning group.

how much time are you (honestly) wasting on facebook?

get yourself a twitter account and spend some time reading the most innovative education ideas each morning.

you can scroll through tweets from edutopia, MindShift, Khan Academy and share ideas with teachers from around the world.

go on. do it.

discover learning apps

if your children love spending time on your phone, why not put some quality apps on it, not just candy crush?

once you start searching for life skills app sites, you’ll get the hand of it. start with this one and keep exploring.

1 in 5 is a different learner

one in every five of us is a different learner. we don’t thrive in a classroom with little movement, with too much memorisation or where we can’t explore, discover and ask questions.

and 5 in 5 of us have learning strengths and learning weaknesses. use the LEARNER SKETCH tool to find out how you learn best. Since you’re not with a school, click on the right, then click right again and do your learner sketch as a guest.

fun science and more

want ideas for over 150 fun science experiments?
or URLs of cool science websites?
even some hands-on maths ideas. here’s a link just for you.

adaptive design learning

these are such fantastic people. they can show you ideas on building adaptations to help a child who doesn’t have strong fine motor skills, or a child whose back is not strong enough to sit and write. or ideas on mobility.

and just to go and see what differently-abled kids around the world are doing will make your heart glad and your determination strong.

what every camp coach needs

if we introduced every child to maths through games, there would be much less fear and much more fun.

play maths games instead of watching the same Hindi Movie again and again.

and for all you Camp Coaches, finding these sites will make your Competitions a fantastically fun challenge!

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